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Is There Really Such a Thing as “Porn for Women”?

There sure is! What might surprise you is that it isn’t all that different from any other type.

Women watch porn. You’re going to need to make some space and deal with this fact. Women also enjoy watching porn, just like women masturbate, indulge in frivolous sexual encounters, and have sexual predilections no different from any other gender.

“Porn for women is just that, it’s porn.” Says the creators behind PornDoe, an online site that offers a plethora of different types of niche pornography for the discerning adult. “I think all too often, men get a bit too wrapped up in the idea that women don’t enjoy the same sort of sexual experiences that they do- but the reality is that women are also sexual creatures. Chances are if the woman in your life isn’t- you’re probably doing something wrong.”

While Porndoe reps do say that sexuality is a very personal and individual thing, making room for asexuals, bisexuals, hetero and homo, along with all the other different genres of gratification- they are here to firmly reinforce that ladies love sex and porn. And we’re absolutely here for it.

The Truth About Porn for Women

The truth about porn designed specifically for women is that sometimes, it’s mainstream porn. Sometimes it’s lesbian, or queer. Sometimes it has feminist undertones or wild sexual positions and fetishes. Porn for women isn’t really all that different from porn designed for men. For that matter, some women watch, and really enjoy, mainstream pornography. Sexuality is a highly individual state, that requires discussion and vulnerability for anyone who looks to explore it.

Which is where they believe the misstep comes in, “Too many men see what’s happening in mainstream porn and believe that that’s what sex actually looks like. When in reality, it’s just a fantasy that we all like to indulge in now and again.” Which opens a pretty decent segue for what pornography designed specifically for women is actually about.

Mainstream pornography can definitely be steamy, quick, dirty, and satisfying, but all too often, it lacks the realness that makes sex fantastic. The goofy, intensely intimate, emotional, and incredibly time-consuming act of passion. Turning enjoyable experiences, like cunnilingus or body exploration, into mere sound bites.

What Porn for Women Is

Female-centric porn is more about what it doesn’t have, than what it does. Your standard, run-of-the-mill mainstream pornography has some pretty basic strategy: Find the most unrealistically beautiful people you can, completely remove any context that suggests emotion as are involved, pound each other like meat, and make a massive mess all in the span of about 10 minutes.

The beauty standards of mainstream pornography are probably the number one thing that porn for women attempts to avoid. Buxom blondes, and carefully shave massive penises need not apply. Most types of feminist porn or female-centric erotica attempts to supply more realistic looking actors, in a more realistic setting. Which, could consequently mean that porn for women could potentially be a more healthy viewing option for men as well.

Porn for women also looks to curb the common misconception that all it takes to orgasm is a few good whacks with a penis. Frankly, the idea is almost as revolting as it is boring. Women’s sexuality tends to be more context-based, meaning that it’s not just seeing an amazing body that gets us off- but how that body is used and translated into an emotional space. Taking time to explore sensations and being comfortable in your own body- now that is a turn on. Step aside delivery man, because women already have the full package.

Why it’s Not Just for Women

Women-focused pornography really isn’t just made with women in mind, instead, it looks to break a bunch of the heavily trite and cliche scenarios that mainstream porn represents. Largely, porn enjoyed by women is heavily queer-focused, with a wider representation of sexuality being filmed. Lesbian porn was actually a top hit for cis women seeking visual sex-escapades.

So really, when someone says “porn for women” what they really mean is “porn”. Maybe it deviates from the mainstream, maybe it doesn’t. The truth is that sexuality isn’t just a dichotomy of men’s and women’s. Instead, it’s more of a mosaic of all the different types of sexualities that exist, making it extremely difficult to pigeon-hole any one type of pornography that could be enjoyable.

While the porn industry has to create niche topics and specific genres- because they want to ensure that it’s not only easy to find the porn you’re into, but also be able to access it- the truth about porn, whether it be for women, men, or anyone else, is that there is a lid for every pot. Chances are, there is absolutely pornography that is representative of your personal sexuality. And in our opinion, that’s awesome.

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