HBO’s “The Last of Us,” based on the acclaimed video game series by Naughty Dog, debuted its first season in January 2023. Led by Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, the show is set to return for its second season in 2025.
Tag: Bella Ramsey
The Last of Us Season 2 Teaser Reveals Exciting New Details
HBO released a teaser video previewing several new and upcoming television shows, including The Last of Us season 2, which is currently in development and set to release in 2025 exclusively on HBO Max.
The Last of Us Official Teaser starring Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey
HBO Max dropped the long-awaited first full trailer for “The Last of Us” is here, a post-apocalyptic world in the year 2033, 20 years after a fungus outbreak. The new show, set to premiere on HBO and HBO Max in 2023.
ZERO Teaser Starring Bella Ramsey
Watch the exclusive premiere of the DUST Original sci-fi short film “Zero” starring Bella Ramsey of Game of Thrones.