Skarsgård takes on the role of “Boy,” who becomes determined to avenge his family’s murder at the hands of Hilda Van Der Koy (played by Janssen), the unhinged leader of a corrupt post-apocalyptic dynasty. Left orphaned, deaf, and mute by this tragedy, Boy relies on his inner voice, modeled after his cherished childhood video game, to guide him. Under the tutelage of a mysterious shaman (portrayed by Ruhian), Boy hones his skills to become a lethal force, unleashed during the annual purge of dissidents. Chaos erupts as Boy unleashes his martial arts prowess, leaving a trail of bloodshed in his wake. Amidst the frenzy, Boy joins forces with a desperate resistance group, while engaging in spirited disagreements with what appears to be the ghost of his rebellious younger sister.
In theaters April 26.