HBO’s “The Last of Us,” based on the acclaimed video game series by Naughty Dog, debuted its first season in January 2023. Led by Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, the show is set to return for its second season in 2025.
Tag: Pedro Pascal
The Last of Us Season 2 Teaser Reveals Exciting New Details
HBO released a teaser video previewing several new and upcoming television shows, including The Last of Us season 2, which is currently in development and set to release in 2025 exclusively on HBO Max.
Gladiator II Official Trailer starring Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington
Watch the new official trailer for GladiatorII, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsen, Joseph Quinn, and Fred Hechinger. Gladiator II” opens in theaters on November 22, 2024.
The Last of Us Official Teaser starring Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey
HBO Max dropped the long-awaited first full trailer for “The Last of Us” is here, a post-apocalyptic world in the year 2033, 20 years after a fungus outbreak. The new show, set to premiere on HBO and HBO Max in 2023.
The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent Trailer
“It was written for Nic. He was not attached to this movie. This was a shot in the dark that we would end up getting him. If Nic said he did not want to do the movie, it was just a pile of garbage. It was very specifically for him. As a pure business decision, as a writer-director, it was probably the stupidest thing we could have done, but we just really, really believed in this particular story. I think it took a lot of courage for Nic to embrace this type of role where you’re playing yourself, but it’s a character who’s not in a great place.”
In Theaters April 22, 2022.