The Best Ideas For a Perfect Summer Date


 Most likely, there were dozens of dates with dozens of guys in her past. So this summer you will have to do something original to stand out from a series of monotonous males. But do not be scared: yes, it is a challenge for your self-sufficiency, but there are no problems in the world that we could not handle together. We bring to your attention as many as 4 great ideas for a summer date. They are enough for 4 girls, who will be delighted with you.

Go For a Half-Hour Walk


The blood runs briskly through the veins, the conversation keeps pace with you two – a walk to some pleasant place in nature animates any situation, even if at first it seems that nothing will save you from tedious and monotonous boredom. In addition, the magazine Social Cognition reports that such walks give birth to a woman’s sense of intimacy with those who are around her.

Be the best: The ideal walk is not very long (no longer than half an hour) and with a delicious picnic in the final. Plaid, a bottle of wine, snacks that can be handled without cutlery – nothing more is needed. You’re already almost a hero-boy scout who visits good girls in their dreams!


Rock Climbing? Why Not!


Climbing – whether in real mountains or on a nearby indoor climbing wall – is a great way to get adrenaline, the development of which is akin to sexual arousal. Some say that a large dose of adrenaline, instantly injected into the blood (naturally, of course!) is steeper than the most unbridled sexual fantasies of Japanese men. Conquered few peaks? Go to have a good refreshment and discuss the next meeting.

Be the best: Be sure to contact the climbing wall in advance and book a visit time so you do not get in a silly situation. Women like it when a man knows how to plan everything, and not explain his fail with a stupid smile: “Oh, that`s something I did not think about.” Leave such behavior in the past if you have strong romantic relationships and crazy sex in your plans.


Joint Morning is a Good Morning


Arrange to meet on the morning of Saturday or Sunday and go, for example, to some farmer’s market. A joint morning has an important effect: people feel like they spent the previous night together, and now they came out for a walk.

Be the best: Allow her to set the pace of a walk through the shopping arcade herself. And you, in the meantime, can buy some trinkets – in these bazaars people always sell interesting products created with caring hands of artisans. It will be non-binding but a pleasant trifle. And it is from such trifles that strong and pure romantic relationships are born. It’s these trifles that we remember if something separates us from our loved ones.


Street Food is Not As Bad As It Seems


Went to the cinema? Have you seen the exhibition in the museum already? Went to the city park? It’s time to eat some yummy, without stopping for it. You will still have time to sit on the bench! Joint lunch “on the go” will help diversify the meeting. It is any better than sitting still and deliberately considering each other. This will quickly make both of you tired.

Be the best: Do you think that street food is foolish? But do not be glamorous on the first date. And the fact that you are holding her burger (or vice versa), is something… intimate. Sociologists from the University of Clemson (USA) are sure of this, and we have no reason to distrust them!


In Conclusion


Do not be surprised that we talk so much about food. Girls really adore tasty food, although some say that it is men who think with their stomach. As studies show, the most successful dates are those that end in the gastronomic fun. So do not eat up before watching a movie together! Thanks to our friends from vavabrides com for providing this article.

